About Us

My Story
My name is Ryan Stewart (Right side in blue shirt) and like many people I have been coming up with invention ideas since I was a little kid. However, I never tried to take one of my ideas to market until I was an adult in my mid 30’s. My first product that I launched was called ArtSplash. I was approached by ABC to appear on the TV Show “The Toy Box” with my product for a chance to win a licensing deal with Mattel to manufacture my product. So in 2017 I appeared on The Toy Box with my product 3D Liquid Art that latter became ArtSplash. With my product I competed against 35 other inventors with toy product for a chance to win the grand prize of a licensing deal with Mattel. I was fortunate to win The Toy Box Season one and my product was then manufactured by Mattel and sold in Toys R Us across the country. For a lifelong inventor there is nothing more exciting than to see your product on store shelves for people to enjoy. After my success winning The Toy Box I started developing many products in the toy and game categories with little success. As a creative person it was hard for me to only think about one category. So, I then started working on developing products outside of the toy and game space. I knew that I wanted to invent a product that could service more people. One day I was in my closet trying to hang a fresh load of laundry however I could not find any hangers that were available. I had to sift through almost every piece of clothing in my closet to find enough hangers to hang my clothes. I thought to myself what a waste of time. It took me more time to find the empty hanger than to hang all my clothes. That is when I thought to myself why isn’t there a hanger that indicated when it’s available therefore making it easy to find. After a doing a ton of research I found that nothing like that ever existed. That is when my inventors brain kicked in and went into hyper mode. I started creating dozens of clothes hanger variations that would indicate when they were empty. After figuring out all the different ways this feature could be accomplished, I then filed my first of many patents for my new clothes hanger variation. I now am the proud owner of one utility patent and two others that are currently pending. I am now excited to have the opportunity to bring my product to market for everyone to enjoy!